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Data Visualisation for Knowledge Translation
Course introduction video (1:42)
Course introduction from Prof Lisa Gibbs (5:57)
Session 1 slides
Course handout
Elements of a good and bad design (7:21)
Why aesthetics matter (0:39)
What is knowledge translation? (2:40)
Understanding your audience (4:33)
Summary and activity (2:24)
Introduction to data visualisation
Session 2 slides
Introduction to data visualisation (4:55)
Principles of data visualisation (15:41)
Activity: What makes a good data visualisation? (1:20)
Answers: What makes a good visualisation (4:58)
Colours (15:35)
Activity: (4:20)
Process of design
Session 3 slides
Process of designing a data visualisation (12:22)
Process of designing a data visualisation example (4:39)
Activity: Transforming a chart using data storytelling (0:52)
Process of designing an infographic (4:02)
Process of designing an infographic example (4:03)
Research summary infographic (5:13)
Activity: Create a research summary infographic (12:19)
All about charts
Session 4 slides
Introduction to all about charts (2:07)
Comparisons (1:45)
Activity: Small multiple bar chart (10:14)
Activity: Data bars (4:09)
Activity: Spectrum display (1:25)
Part to whole (3:23)
Activity: Waffle chart (6:17)
Activity: Pictorial fraction chart (5:54)
Changes over time (1:04)
Activity: Sparklines (4:14)
Activity: Slope chart (9:29)
Relational (0:50)
Activity: Heat map (5:26)
Geographical and concepts (2:10)
Gestalt principles and preattentive attributes
Session 5 slides
Gestalt principles of visual perception (6:23)
Preattentive attributes (9:49)
Activity: Redesign chart (0:53)
Designing charts for PowerPoint and designing tables
Session 6 slides
Designing charts for PowerPoint presentations (7:38)
Designing tables (7:00)
Activity: redesign table (0:21)
Thank you (0:52)
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